Monday, January 30, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Copyright Pending
Papa loved Baseball and was a big New York Yankees fan. He was fortunate enough to see Joe DiMaggio, Ted William, Mickey Mantle and other legendary baseball greats play the game. When Papas’ brother, my Uncle Vincent Cresitello, gave him tickets to a game he was thrilled. Uncle Vincent worked for a men’s clothing company in Manhattan and took the train into the City 5 days a week on the Erie Lackawanna Railroad.  His weekends were spent at their summer home in Manasquan, NJ at the Jersey Shore. I think he would much rather go to the “Shore” than spend time at a ballgame.
When Papa was going to a ballgame it was Mamas’ job to make the refreshments. In those days you could bring food into the stadium so there was a lot of excitement going on in the Kitchen on those Sunday mornings.  Not only was Mama making her sauce but she was also preparing the food that papa would be taking to the game.  Many times my sister  would go with him.  He never asked me to go. Not that I was interested in going since I never cared for Sports. Didn't  then and still don’t.  Papa and I had a love/hate relationship while Linda was his favorite.
Mama would prepare pepper and eggs or eggplant parmesan that she would put on “nice” crusty rolls from Verillis Bakery for the sandwiches that papa took to the game. She made quite a few vegetable dishes.  I think that is an Italian thing.  They love their veggies.  However they liked them well done.  Not the way they are served today Al Dente. She was Sicilian and in Sicily they eat fish and veggies at almost every meal.  I can still remember the olive oil sizzling in the cast iron frying pan and the smell of the peppers and onions frying were incredible.  Many times neighbors walking by would comment about the aroma coming from our house on Sundays in the summer.  Since we didn’t have air conditioning back in the 50’s all the windows were open and the aromas of whatever Mama was cooking would travel all around the outside of our house. Can you imagine smelling all that wonderful Italian food cooking and not being able to taste it, Bummer! But Mama did make it up to them. Many Sundays she would send me over to a neighbors house with a big plate of Macaroni and Meat, she never called it Pasta it was always Macaroni.
Mama would pack the cooler with the sandwiches and I think Papa even took beer to the game. Those were the days.  Back then the popular food that  they sold at the game were hotdogs, peanuts, crackerjacks and soda and beer. The ‘Game’ was not so much about money back in the day. They didn’t give players 50 million dollar contracts; it was all about the Game.  The all American sport.  All those WWII vets who fought and died did so for freedom and the right to sit in a Stadium and watch there Hero’s play ball and drink beer and eat hotdogs. Papa was one of those Vets, he fought in WWII for 5 years and even got a Purple Heart.   Thank you Papa and all the veterans then and now for the sacrafies you are making and did make.
On the Sundays Papa went to the ballgame I would get to watch what I wanted on TV.  Usually every Sunday in the Summer Papa would monopolize the TV watching a Ballgame. I can remember being out of the front porch and hearing the commentator say “Foul Ball” or ”Line drive to left field’, and the roar of the crowd. 

When Papa watched the game he would lie on the living room floor and play with the change in his pocket.  When the game was over I would look to see if he dropped any of that change on the floor. Not that I was going to give it back to him.  Oh no, I needed that change to go buy candy, soda and ice cream from Paganos Candy Store. You know, I think I always found some.
Mama’s Pepper and Egg Sandwich Recipe
¼ cup olive oil, add more if needed
2 cloves garlic chopped 
1 large onion sliced, can be sweet
Mama used 4 green peppers seeded and sliced about a ¼ inch thick.  I make this with sweet red peppers. Your choice
4 Large eggs scrambled
1  teas. Onion powder
½  teas. Garlic powder
Salt and pepper to taste.
4 long crusty Italian rolls
This makes a great vegetarian dish. 
Put oil in frying pan and heat on Medium for 1 minute.  Stir in garlic, onions, peppers, and all the spices, cook until veggie are the consistency you like.  If you want them soft it can take 10 minutes stirring occasionally.  They should not get brown.  And don't, god forbid burn the garlic.  It will get very bitter.  Add the scrambled eggs and stir constantly until cooked.  Put on the rolls.  Let sit for 10 minutes so the oil soaks into the bread.  Enjoy

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